Monday, February 18, 2013

where did February go?

I can't believe this is the last full week of February! Weekends are filling up trying to cross everything off our bucket list, and it doesn't help that we keep adding to that list as well! :)

Exciting teacher news though we performed reading tests at the beginning of the year and now with only a month left of school, we are giving them again to see how far they have progressed. Now that they are reading at a higher reading level the books are longer and it takes FOREVER to test them. With 21 students,   it is going to take a long time to test them all. I only was able to test 4 in a 2 hour time period and that has to be fit in around teaching time. It is a juggling act for sure!

But anyways as I was testing them I was amazed to see their progress! One student who came in knowing no English and reading and comprehending at a level B is now reading and comprehending at a level M. I am so amazed and proud of her! It is so encouraging to be able to see what they can do and to think that I played a small part in that! I do enjoy teaching! Today was a rewarding day! :)