I have not been very good at keeping this updated lately. Time is getting away from me and we are trying to fit in our bucket list before our time here comes to a close. We have 3 1/2 days left in our school year. I can't believe that my time here is almost done. I told my students on Tuesday that I was not coming back next year so they have been extra clingy lately, never wanting to leave my classroom, eating lunch with me, and of course lots of hugs! I am soaking it all in! I want to treasure every last minute with these precious ones! In some ways I feel like this class was super challenging. They have strong personalities and demand a lot of energy, but they are so rewarding and they have blessed my spirit this year! I would not trade being their teacher for anything in the world! I will miss them more than I think I can imagine at this point! Its weird thinking that these students who I have spent almost everyday with for the past 10 months will never be a part of my life again. I have spent more time with them in this year than anyone else. We have so much fun together! They always have me laughing and smiling with their humor and sometimes even their serious questions! :)
I am definitely starting to feel how hard it is going to be to say goodbye. Last night I had to say my first goodbye. My roommate's sister died on Wednesday morning and she flew home last night to go home for the funeral. Her sister had been sick for a while but it was still a shock because we thought she was on the mend. It was an emotional farewell at the airport. I do not do well with last things and it broke my heart to see her hurting so much! After living with her for two years, I said goodbye to one of my best friends! Its hard to think that our relationship will never look or be the same but I know that this is not one relationship that I am going to let distance ruin and rip apart!
Its making everything final though so I want to live each day to the fullest. Make each day count. I am trying to make each morning's devotion time be chock-full of God's Truth. I want our last Scripture memory verse to be something the Lord can be using to work in their hearts over the two month break, I want to be equipping them the best I can for these two months without school. The way I have seen Satan attack their hearts as seeds are planted is scary but I know God is bigger. And I am trusting that He is already working in them. Please be in prayer for the grade 4 teacher for next year. That is the only position left that they have not filled. In my perfect world they would be a strong, passionate, God-loving teacher. Someone who will love the Lord and pour that love out on them. Someone who will love and appreciate each character in this class. Someone with patience and compassion. God already knows who it is and I pray that whoever that person is, God is preparing them even now for next year.
Just wanted to share this picture of my class when we went to the Logos Hope Ship for a field trip. It is a huge ship that has workers from all over the world. They travel to all different ports and stay there for a month at a time. They have a huge Christian bookstore and a children's show to watch and other programs you can be a part of as well. They LOVED it! And it was great because parents came along and bought all sorts of Christian books for their students to read over the summer. They are in English but it kills two birds with one stone...practicing English and learning God's Truth all in the same go! :)
More thoughts to come later I am sure...