Sunday, April 7, 2013

With Every New Beginning is Another Beginning's End...

So in thinking about what I am going to miss about Thailand one of the first things that immediately enters my mind is the food! I am going to miss panaeng, moo ping, salapao, som tom, sticky rice, coconut ice cream, sweet basil chips, and the list goes on and on! I am also going to miss my routine. Going to the gym, massages, movies, riding the bus, being with my friends, my students, and the Thai teachers. One thing I have really been struggling with lately is the purposelessness of my life right now. I told my mom last night that no one would even care if I just never got out of bed for a whole day! I was getting bogged down in this idea that my life has somehow been put on hold because I am unemployed and moving back in with my parents. It hit me today though that I am looking at this all wrong. My life in Thailand is over, that is true. I fly out tonight and once I leave there is no immediate foreseeable future date when I will return. My bedroom now belongs to a girl named Whitney and after today this is no longer my house. But just because I am moving back to Pennsylvania does not mean my life is on hold. I have always said that I want the purpose of my life to be one that brings God glory. I think I have been focused on how my job brings Him glory but not necessarily how I am bringing Him glory. I don't have to be living on the other side of the world or even working with people not from my same background. In every situation every place I am in I have the choice to let me life reflect His Glory. So as I finish my final packing and do one last load of laundry I am encouraged that with the ending of my time here something new is beginning. My life will look different and it will take adjustment but God is constant. The same God I served here I serve in the good ole US of A! Many people are asking me what is next and to be honest I have no idea! There is fear and uncertainty in that answer but there is also freedom. Freedom to allow the Lord to lead me in whatever ways He desires. Freedom to be flexible and freedom to be a vessel used for His purposes. Thank you for coming alongside me during these last two years but this is not the end....its just a new beginning! :)