Just to give everyone an update, this week I had been having some not so normal health symptoms! I thought maybe it was stress or any number of different things. I kind of blew it off until today. Today when I was in church, the pain in my abdomen was so intense that I had to leave and go home. I woke my brother up on Skype to get my parents so I could talk to them about what I was experiencing with my body. They told me that they really thought I needed to go to the hospital. When my roommate came home we talked about it and decided that I should go so we went I am glad that I did!
When we first got to the hospital, they said listening to my symptoms they thought I had kidney stones. If that was the case it would mean I would have a very expensive ultrasound. We waited for about half an hour and when the tests came back, I did not have kidney stones, so I did not need to get an ultrasound done or more testing. HOWEVER the levels in my kidney were really high. They are suppose to be at a cell level of 5 and mine were at a level of 50. The doctor told me that I had a very severe kidney infection. Right now I am on antibiotics and (thank goodness!) painkillers. I have another appointment on Thursday after school to check out my levels again. All my medication and doctor visit came to half of what an ultrasound would have cost.
Since taking my medication, my pain is almost gone and I feel normal for the first time in days. I think I can handle teaching this week which is a blessing! Hopefully the antibiotics kick it out so on Thursday I can get a clean bill of health! :)
Besides having to miss church and scare my parents a little by waking them up at 2 in the morning I am no worse for the ware! :)
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