Saturday, October 29, 2011

livin in a little piece of paradise!

So my roommate has friends in high places! She is friends with someone who works for the US Embassy so needless to say their house is AMAZING! They had planned a vacation for island down south and just extended their stay because of the flooding. They offered their house to us to stay in until the worst of the flood threats are over. So we packed up all our water and all the food that we had stored up and made our way over to this piece of paradise. This house has its own private swimming pool, huge comfortable beds, each bedroom with its own bathroom complete with its own tub and shower. We can order for a massage to come to the house, a golf cart to take us anywhere we want to go in the little village, and get take-out from amazing restaurants! We are living the life!

On Monday we are escaping Bangkok and the flooding and going 5 hours south to Koh Chang, a little island known for its beautiful emerald green water and of course elephants. Here in Thailand seeing elephants is like seeing dogs or cats, they are like pets that you can find walking down any street. We are going for a whole week because school is canceled until November 7th now, and even that could change and be pushed back until the 15th.

So a little update on Thailand and the flooding...God has protected and provided. If you look at a flood map, we are the island of dry. Everything around us is underwater but for some reason water has not touched us. The drains on the side of the road have filled and are going out into the streets but even that water is more like a big puddle than anything we actually have to fear.

I ran into one of my student's parents at a local grocery store on Friday and they said that the water in their house is up to their knees. Ice is the name of that student and he is the shortest student in my class. He is really tiny. His parents told me that he can't go downstairs or the water would go over his head and being the fact that he is Thai, he cannot swim! :)

Thank you for your prayers...keep them coming! God is certainly answering them! :)

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