Sunday, October 16, 2011

so far we're still dry!

Well its Sunday night and so far we have yet to see the flood waters come. The surrounding provinces are really hurting right now but God has kept us dry so far! It has rained a lot this weekend though! Hopefully we can continue to stay dry tonight so we will have no trouble getting a ride to the airport tomorrow for our trip to Chiang Mai! I am really looking forward to getting away and seeing some different sights! It will be nice to get out of dirty Bangkok and breathe some clean air!

My dad and I are having a good time so far! It's weird always being with someone so tall in Asia though! I am feeling like a tourist and I like it! :) It's nice to be able to see things that people fly half way around the world to experience! Thanks for your prayers of safety! If you can remember, keep my students in prayer. I know of at least 8 whose houses flooded, it could be more now...may they be reminded of God's provision and His goodness....things I have really stressed to them this year that I am hoping will take root in their hearts!

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